Blog 4

Violence and domestic abuse comes in several ways. Violence against women has become more prevalent over the past few years from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Sex trafficking is at an all-time high and involves all genders, even though young girls and women are more common.

"How can we stop assaults from being committed against women?"

The first thing we can do to help stop assaults against women is by identifying and acknowledging that you are being abused.  In some relationships, it can be difficult to know whether you are being abused, especially if your partner says they love you or give you gifts or extra attention. People who are abusive sometimes act loving and caring as a way to keep you in the relationship. A partner’s loyal and loving behavior does not make their abusive behavior OK. Physical abuse, forced sexual activity and threatening words are forms of abuse.

There are many types of violence and abuse. Some of these signs are signs of physical abuse or domestic violence; emotional, verbal abuse or sexual abuse.  
Signs of abuse include:

 Physically hurting or threatening to hurt you or loved ones
Threatening to hurt you, the children, or other people or pets in your household
Hurting you physically (such as hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, punching, slapping, kicking, or biting)
Using (or threatening to use) a weapon against you
Threatening to harm himself or herself when upset with you
Threatening to turn you in to authorities for illegal activity if you report physical abuse
Domestic Violence & Abuse: What You Can Do About It? | H&P attorneys  What Is Domestic Violence - House Of Globalization

 Forcing you to have sex or other intimate activity

Forcing you to have sex when you don’t want to through physical force or threats
Assuming that consent for a sex act in the past means that you must participate in the same acts in the future
Assuming that consent for one activity means consent for future activity or increased levels of intimacy (for example, assuming that kissing should lead to sex every time)

HomeSexual Abuse Stock Photos And Images - 123RF

Being jealous, controlling, or angry

Acting very jealous, including constantly accusing you of cheating
Having a quick temper, so you never know what you will do or say that may cause a problem
Controlling how you spend your money
Controlling your use of medicines. 
Making everyday decisions for you that you normally decide for yourself (like what to wear or eat)

Treating PTSD & Substance Abuse in Victims of Domestic ViolenceDomestic Abuse | Time

Keeping track of everything you do

Monitoring what you’re doing all the time or asking where you are and who you’re with every second of the day
Demanding your passwords to social media sites and email accounts
Demanding that you reply right away to texts, emails, or calls.
Preventing or discouraging you from seeing friends or family.Preventing or discouraging you from going to work or school

 New app helps victims of domestic violence log abuse - without ...Sexual abuse happens online, too – but current laws leave too many ...

Verbal Abuse/ Demeaning you/ Threatening you

Putting you down, such as insulting your appearance, intelligence, or activities
Humiliating you in front of others
Destroying your property or things that you care about
Blaming you for his or her violent outbursts
The Combination of Domestic Abuse and Alcohol


  1. Hi Empress,

    I enjoyed the visual effects of your blog along with your post. I agree with you 100%. One of the ways we can stop violence is by bringing awareness to this public health issue. I wish victims of domestice or sexual violence would speak out more often than not. Speaking out against it will help to ensure their accuser be brought to justice, but because so many victims don't, the abuser goes on abusing them. I remember being seventeen and not physically seeing, but by hearing my step dad hit my mother once. I was furious and I vowed that day to never let any man hit or physically abuse me in any manner. I know this is going to sound strange what I am about to say, but for a long time I would not date a guy who was bigger than me because I believed he would be able to hurt me due to what I experienced growing up. Experiencing this had a psychological effect on me and memory stayed with me for quite some time. I can only imagine the mental pain or anguish victims of domestic violence experience.

  2. Hello Empress,
    Your blog was very informative in describing how violence and domestic abuse comes in many ways. The visual pictures and the examples of different situations were very clear to understand. I agree that the most important step for a victim of such injustice is for them to come forward and acknowledge they are victims. It takes a lot for those individuals to come forward because they may feel unsafe but if that individual decided to open up its important to to let them know it was not they fault for any reason. I also think there should be more studies on men with temper because they are often the ones committing these injustices to women .


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