
Showing posts from March, 2020

Blog 4

Violence and domestic abuse comes in several ways. Violence against women has become more prevalent over the past few years from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Sex trafficking is at an all-time high and involves all genders, even though young girls and women are more common. "How can we stop assaults from being committed against women?" The first thing we can do to help stop assaults against women is by identifying and acknowledging that you are being abused.   In some relationships, it can be difficult to know whether you are being abused , especially if your partner says they love you or give you gifts or extra attention. People who are abusive sometimes act loving and caring as a way to keep you in the relationship. A partner’s loyal and loving behavior does not make their abusive behavior OK. Physical abuse, forced sexual activity and threatening words are forms of abuse. There are many types of violence and abuse. Some of these signs are signs of  physical

Blog 3

Growing up in my family, which is multiracial but identifying solely as African American, I was taught that women have to look a certain way to identify as beautiful and not become overweight. I can remember as a child my grandmother and great grandmother would always say you have to “act and look like a lady” and that “you can’t do what the men do.”   I also remember how harsh they would be on the other girls you had gained weight, usually after child birth. My “Ma Dear” would bluntly say “why are you so fat” or “what are you eating” or “You have to wear your corset after that baby born” SMH but LOL’n too.   She never cared who was around or heard the insults. Of course back then I didn’t know they were insults until I became older and overweight too.   I remember my thoughts when I would hear her say “What are you eating” I’m thinking the same thing you eat and everyone else is eating.   We grew up on southern soul food, some call it comfort foods. We love mashed potatoes and macar