
Showing posts from January, 2020

Blog 1

I thought I knew a lot about women until I watched the PowerPoint on the Status of Women Worldwide. It was very informative about women and the journeys we have gone through. I have always heard stories of our struggles and how women are treated in other countries. We have come a long way but still have more to go.   One of the facts that I was most surprised by was that in many parts of the world, rape is not considered a crime.   I just can’t believe that forceful and unlawful sexual activity or sexual intercourse isn’t a crime everywhere. How can someone do something against a person's will and it’s not a crime. I am so lost with this. It’s just not right. I know we all have different backgrounds and beliefs but men should never be able to have the upper hand over women, in any situation. Being allowed to take something from someone is wrong. Where did these laws or no laws come from? I am proud of how far women have come over the years, from voting to owning property, t